Elevate Your Event: Tips, Trends & DJ Insights | DJ Demby Blog
Banish Guest Boredom At Your Wedding
Weddings can often feel like long drawn-out occasions with lots of waiting for them, something that can lead to a lower level of energy and a lack of a party feel. The good news is there are some smart ways to ensure your wedding guest never gets the chance to even be a tiny bit bored.
10 Tips For Planning The Perfect Bar or Bat Mitzvah Celebration
Mazal Tov! So it’s time to plan for the Bar or Bat Mitzvah! Yashir Koach! What a special day. Like most important ceremonies and events, to ensure a successful time, we know that there will be some serious planning involved. And planning for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah can start as early as three years prior the special day. No worries, I am here to help you - we got this!