Elevate Your Event: Tips, Trends & DJ Insights | DJ Demby Blog
Top 4 Challenges of Wedding Planning
Planning a wedding is an exciting adventure. You are getting the chance to plan your dream day (your Super Bowl), that celebrates the love you have for each other.
Don’t Book a Destination Wedding Until You’ve Read This
You only have one wedding day (hopefully), and you want to make it count. And while to many couples it can sound like the ultimate dream to have the big day surrounded by friends and family in Cabo or Florence, there are some factors to consider before taking the plunge.
Financially Surviving Wedding Season as a Guest
According to the New York Times, the average wedding guest spends nearly $900 to partake in the festivities. That price tag can make your wallet want to say, “I don’t!” — especially if your wedding season dance card is full. But don’t worry. we know a bunch of money-saving hacks so you can catch the bouquet without breaking the bank!