Elevate Your Event: Tips, Trends & DJ Insights | DJ Demby Blog
5 Tips On Elevating Your Bachelorette Party To Iconic Status
It's a unique twist on a party that screams "you"... So why settle for ordinary when your bachelorette bash can be just as amazing as the ring on your finger? Let’s take a look at making your big girl’s night (or weekend!) a thing of legend.
Planning a Party for Kids: Top Tips
Parents worry a lot about their kids' birthday parties. There are a lot of things to think about, like whether or not you will handle everything yourself and how many people will be there. Managing the kid's and the family's expectations is another job that takes some work but is doable with careful planning.
DJ Michael Demby Announces New Website Launch
DJ Michael Demby of ReAmplify Inc unveiled a completely redesigned and rebranded website. The website is expected to provide users a clean, uncluttered design that incorporates improved functionality and enhanced content.
Eventective Review
Their Inbox UI provides a list of your lead prospects with their contact info in one view.